Electric City Bmx


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sam is a mad cool kid to hang out with always out going and full of energy to do anything always cheesin for no reason and the only one that makes saying "hi dave" cool? ......ps he swares he can take bullets no problem.


jared is the laziest mo fo you will ever see which dosn't relate to his riding a couple of mountain dews and hes good to go. you can usaully catch him ridin some ghetto spot near shoot em up park yellin "iiiigh iiigh" every time some one lands a trick .......also he is the oringinater of the nuck if you buck dance 


wayne always hypes up the party if your ridin with wayne expect somthing crazy to go down riding related or not and has the highest hops I have ever seen also don't be alarmed if wayne is in your fridge he's just hungry


jr is mad crazy kid and will bascily do any obstacle he comes across also he lives in a place called sloans ville no lie never go there it sucks their downtown is a mobile dead ass but you can usually find jr in schenec over the weekend riding through the streets yellin "SUE_A"


rome always down to ride and getting crazy in the streets of schenec is what he does best especially if some one kicks us off the spot were ridin also says that he can live off of c&c sodas and beef patties for a week with 10$.... come back for most things include "but you get no girls"

support ec cop our vid coming out soon

EC all dae